Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let's Give It Up For Para-Pros!!

I have decided to dedicate this post to all the awesome special education para-pros that work with our students on a daily basis. I am truly blessed to have some great para-pros who do just as much if not more with my students. They are willing to do whatever I ask them to do not matter how crazy it sounds.

For those special education teachers who are just starting out I want to make sure that you know just how beneficial para-pros can be. They are not there to do the dirty work but they are there to provide an extra set of hands, eyes, and ears when you need them. The success of para-pros lies somewhat in the teacher's hands though. I think it is important for constant communication to occur and that everyone is viewed as an equal. When I send home letters to parents I almost always sign my name as well as my para-pros names because our classroom is a community and my students know that the are teachers just as much as I am one. It is important for parents to understand this as well so be sure to introduce your para-pros to the parents so that they ar familiar with them and are comfortable with their kids around them. In our classroom ideas are shared and exchanged and dicussions about best practices for our kids are discussed together so that we are all on the same page and all have same expectations.

I want to say thank you to my para-pros (you know who you are) and I want to encourage all special education teachers to take the time to say thank you to them and to think about what you can do personally to make para-pros feel part of your community...the classroom:)

Until we meet again,
Mallory Watkins

P.S. This is an awesome web-site dedicated to paraprofessionals!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Time For School!

WOW! I apologize for not posting recently but I have been so busy in my room getting ready! My kids start this Monday and I am so anxious to see them and get the year going. I have posted pictures of my classroom so that other teachers can get ideas or parents can get ideas. Enjoy and be sure to post any questions you have or topics you want me to discuss!
Until we meet again,